Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin’s (LPWI’s) page to “read all ABOUT it!”


The word “libertarian” derives from the Latin word, “Libertas,” which translates in modern language as “Liberty.”


The LPWI unites around its Four Principles of Liberty, which in due course rather defines some of that word as applied here:


First, do NOT harm anyone.
Second, do NOT steal from anyone.
Third, you have rights and responsibilities to your own thoughts, feelings, ideas, and actions.
Fourth, You have the right and responsibility to sole ownership of your property, and so does your family and dependents: and to protect the same. . .


Each Libertarian can define “Liberty” in different ways, but also come to some agreement on the Core Beliefs. Those beliefs will govern the LPWI’s policies when it wins more elections to implement them properly.



We see those Core Beliefs for Policy as a complement to our Platform, and they sum up our Political Program very well.


We believe in:

Maximizing freedoms by minimizing government.

Supporting free markets, balanced budgets, and fair and equal taxes.

Respecting the rights of others to ensure all are protected.



Creating a civilization of Liberty, one devoted to the respect and dignity of all, as well as for the individual, will only happen by a committed person working with the courage and integrity to act like the example people want to follow. And they can best serve the cause for Libertarianism by starting to make their own neighborhoods healthy havens with the Liberty and freedom that all desire.


To accomplish any of this, whether as a supporter, member, activist, or candidate, WE NEED YOU!


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