The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin always needs help with its work, and if you want to volunteer for any project or have a question, please email directly the Committee or Work Team Chair, or Director/Coordinator. For direct assistance or inquiries, please email [email protected]

Communications Work Team:

Chair: Tim Krenz, [email protected]

Internal Communications - Tom Leary, [email protected]

External Communications - Michael Schisel, [email protected]

Products and Services: Tim Krenz, [email protected]

NB & Website: Tim Krenz, [email protected]

Press Secretary - Tom Patrowsky, [email protected]

Convention Work Team:                          

Chair: Bryan Voss, [email protected]

Constitution and By-Laws Committee:

Chair: Michael Conard, [email protected]

Reese Wood

Tyler Danke

Jordan Hansen

Kevin Litten

Platform Committee:

Chair: Aaron Kammer, [email protected]

Joseph Hauer

Tyler Danke

Jacob VandenPlas

Brian Defferding

Historical Preservation Work Team:

Chair: (VACANT)

Strategic Planning Work Team:

Chair: Phil Anderson, [email protected]

Membership Director: 

Michael Conard, [email protected]

Event Coordinator:

Teresa Boris, [email protected]

Candidate Support Coordinator:

Jeff Kortsch, [email protected]

Affiliate Support Co-Coordinators:

Phil Anderson, [email protected] & Jeff Kortsch, [email protected]

Fund Raising Coordinator:


Information Technology Services Director:

Chair: Michael Chianese, [email protected]