LPWI Affiliates & Their Most Recent Reports



NOTE to Everyone: If anyone wants to get in contact with an LPWI affiliate, or if anyone wants to re-start an old one, or build an entirely new one, please contact the LPWI by emailing [email protected] . Meanwhile, check back here for regular updates on LPWI affiliates!

NOTE to LPWI Affiliate Members: Please, send any updated contact data or on-line affiliate resources, for now, to [email protected] .

Thank you!


Affiliate Co-Coordinators: Phil Anderson and Jeff Kortsch


Waupaca County Libertarians For more information, contact Tyler Danke at:  [email protected]


Rock County


Fox Valley  https://lpfv.org/


LPDane   Contact: Chris Nass, www.lpdane.org


Sawyer County


Central Badgerland


Barron County   Contact: ERick Scoglio, [email protected]


Polk County   Contact: Tim Krenz,  www.libertysticks.org  [email protected]


Libertarians of SE Wisconsin