The LP WIre
- News and Views of the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin -
August 2024
From the Chair
Because we sacrifice so much in our activism and other endeavors, we want the perishable commodity of our time to make a difference. The easiest way any group can fail is by failure to agree on anything. On the other hand, if the Libertarian Party maintains a unity for our greater purpose and in our principles, then the work of the Party will start to take care of itself. The Party must work towards solutions, not just point out problems.
Regarding solutions, the LPWI Executive committee budgeted $5000 for an integrated promotional outreach campaign for this summer and fall. This will happen in targeted ways, and the Communications Committee Work Team will supervise the project.
As a solution, we have implemented the Nation Builder system. This system allows us to store, catalog member data, communicate easily with our members, and much more. It has already taken us to new and better levels than the former system we used. We did make a bold investment, and so far, it is paying off.
These solutions could not have happened by themselves. The LPWI has a strong core leadership but we need help. Most people involved in Party activism already sit on many work groups and teams. We need members to step up, as leaders and activists, offering us their skills, savvy, and time. If we can agree in a united Libertarian Party of Wisconsin achieving our goal of setting the people of Wisconsin free in our lifetime, then please—Join our work. As we see the world spinning in confusion, the time will come for the promise of Liberty to save the world. We have no time to waste. Join or volunteer now!
[email protected]
Thank you,
Tim Krenz, Acting Chair
Past LP presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen will be in Oshkosh on Friday August 16th, 7pm at Becket's Restaurant, for a fundraiser dinner and to speak and endorse Phil Anderson for US Senate. Details will be available on
Cut the Pork and Cancel Cronyism
Phil Anderson, independent libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin has a comprehensive plan to overhaul federal farm policy. Anderson’s proposal addresses the failings of the current Farm Bill, which he argues has increasingly favored corporate interests, stifled innovation, and negatively impacted the health and wealth of Americans.
"Wisconsin farmers are resilient and resourceful, uniquely able to prosper despite tough odds. The government can best support Wisconsin’s family farms and foster this resiliency by getting out of the way," stated Anderson.
A Market-based Approach
In a true free market, consumer demand would dictate what and how much farmers grow. However, under our current system, public-private-partnerships, subsidies, and crop insurance disrupt this natural order. Taxpayer subsidized crop insurance steers farmers toward commodity crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat, but does not often cover “specialty” crops like fruits and vegetables.
Government insurance programs are designed to incentivize the factory food industry, responding to the wishes of corporate donors rather than the needs of farmers and the health of the American people. The insidious effects of the factory food industry (corn, high fructose corn syrup, in particular) on the American diet are well-documented, contributing to serious chronic health conditions like diabetes, liver and heart disease, and obesity.
Phil Anderson believes that we need to fundamentally change the way we think about farming in the United States – removing the lucrative government incentives to plant corn and other commodity crops and encouraging organic, independent, and environmentally sustainable farming practices that promote public health and preserve the land.
"The current Farm Bill has increasingly coddled corporate cronies, stifled innovation, and contributed to the failing health – and wealth – of Americans," said Anderson. "As your U.S. senator, I would advocate freeing our farmers from bureaucratic and corporate control, bringing a fresh, market-based approach to federal farm policy."
With an annual federal deficit of over a trillion dollars, enough is enough. Congress needs to cut the fat, and the Farm Bill has plenty. If elected, Phil Anderson would advocate to:
Eliminate commodity programs. By removing government handouts for crops such as corn and soybeans, the CBO estimates we could save nearly $50 billion over the next decade.
Remove SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) from the Farm Bill. Separating SNAP – which accounts for three-quarters of the Farm Bill package – would allow both policies to pass or fail on their own merits and not use either as bait for passage of the other.
Privatize crop insurance. Phil would fight to eliminate cronyism in the Farm Bill by taking steps toward privatizing crop insurance. Through crop insurance, the government picks winners and losers instead of the market. Crops, farms, and practices that would not otherwise prosper are supported and encouraged at taxpayer expense. In this corrupt system, taxpayers subsidize 60 cents of every insurance premium dollar; subsidize the corporations that provide the insurance; and then protect the identities of the wealthy corporations who receive the subsidies.
Eliminate corporate influence. The undue influence of corporations – like Monsanto – has long distorted agricultural policy to serve special interests at the expense of family farms and consumer choice. If elected, Phil would call out this cronyism and expose the ways corporations are controlling congress and in turn our food supply.
"When the government picks winners and losers, taxpayers always lose. In order to really get serious about regaining control of our food, our health, and our economy, we need to first get serious about rooting out the influence of corporate interests in our policymaking. As your senator, I would vow to always put the interests of Wisconsin’s families and hardworking taxpayers first, not wealthy, multi-national corporate donors."
[email protected]
Phil Anderson for U.S. Senate
Thanks for your support!
Chase Oliver Against the Statist Squad
Tired of big government politicians who continue to expand their power at the expense of our freedoms? We are too, and that’s why we need your support to elect Libertarian Chase Oliver, who is ready to take on the Statist Squad.
The Statist Squad, Donald Trump - Joe Biden - RFK Jr, represents the entrenched establishment that seeks to impose their will on the American people. Each of these candidates is committed to increasing the size and scope of government, but Chase Oliver stands for something different—LIBERTY!
Chase Oliver’s platform is built on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. He understands that the best government is one that governs least. With your support, we can bring true change to Washington, dismantle the bloated bureaucracy, and restore power to where it belongs—with the people.
Will you stand with us in the fight for freedom?
Kickapoo River Clean Up
The 6th annual Kickapoo River cleanup July 12-14, 2024. The pile of trash isn't shown and it won't be seen in the river any more either.
Candidates & Campaigns Conference Another Success
By Tim Krenz
What makes a prince desire power, and want complete control over others? If the nature of the corporate State sustains itself around the use or threat of violence, how can the Prince best sustain his rule? Most importantly, how can one very average person acting on True Principles take away that enforced authority that the State claims over the person?
These questions and many more went around the table at the Third Annual Candidates & Campaigns Conference July 20th, and hosted by the Libertarian Party of Polk County, in Dresser, WI.
Facilitated by The Cepia Club LLC, the attuned audience of the well-attended event examined the questions drawn from the readings of Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince and Henry David Thoreau’s “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.”
“It was a great conference,” said US Senate Candidate, Phil Anderson, running on the statement of principle, “Disrupt the Corruption.” Anderson continued, “Every one in the state [Party] needs to try and set up the same conference in their area, as they would benefit from it.”
The conference compared the theoretical philosophy of politics versus the practical realism of action, and the ways leaders can understand why people join or don’t join the cause of the Libertarian Party, based on interests and motivation.
Specifically, the conference itself examined the questions under the title “Authority versus Liberty: Machiavelli and Thoreau Considered.” All the questions and discussion items revolved around the present and future of libertarian organizations, including the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin.
Look for the full conference report coming soon to .
Short Bits
Who Killed the World? An article about Science Fiction from the 1950’s to the present.
“But maybe that it why it is so important for us to imagine a different future – precisely because people like me made it so hard to see.
After all, if we can’t see paradise, how can we possibly navigate toward it?”
We’re All Soviets Now
A couple months ago, fresh from being knighted by King Charles, historian Sir Niall Ferguson officially joined The Free Press as a columnist. His first piece was a banger, provocatively titled “We’re All Soviets Now.” His argument: America today resembles the decaying Soviet Union of the ’70s and ’80s. We’re physically unwell—life expectancies are shockingly in decline—we’re drowning in debt, governed by an out-of-touch gerontocracy, and subjected to bogus ideologies pushed by elites.
Click below to listen to the full episode of Honestly, moderated by Michael Moynihan.
The LP WIre is published monthly. Permission to publish has been given by the LPWI Executive Committee. Editor in Chief is Kevin Litten. The editor of this newsletter may be reached by email at [email protected] Submissions are welcome but are subject to editing for applicability and length. Copyright © 2024, permission to copy only given for research, scholarship, criticism, or comment.
This newsletter is intended for Wisconsin Libertarians and interested persons. Articles are welcome. Images are appreciated.