From: Michael Conard
LPWI Fundraising Committee
RE: Bucket raffle baskets for state convention
Greetings all!
I am in the process of getting the bucket raffle baskets/items together for the LPWI state convention in Tomahawk this April. I am looking for ideas/donations for raffle items. These can include individual items OR baskets. “Theme baskets” are really popular and the LPWI Veterans Caucus will be sponsoring a “Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!” smoking theme basket as an example. Maybe you and some friends or your LPWI affiliate would like to put something similar together. Ideas include:
“Chute ‘Em!” – (hunting theme ala Swamp People)
“I Luv WI Sports”
“Anti-freeze Special” – (alcohol related)
“Let the Games Begin!” – (Fun & games items)
“Tailgate Toolbox” – (things appropriate to the grilling season)
I am soliciting any donations/assistance that any member may want to provide. You can contact me on the Slack channels #2025_Convention, #fundraising, my personal Slack contact line, OR [email protected] (please put LPWI raffle in the Subject line.)
Thanks for your consideration!
In Liberty,